Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Custard Cream Puff Recipe

My first recipe post!!!! *clap clap clap*

I made this twice, and all of the people I gave said they like this recipe. :D
I found this recipe somewhere in Google, but I forgot exactly where. If you find a similar one, please let me know, because I want to credit them. :D (after I did another research, apparently there are a lot of recipe that's similar. LOL)

The recipe I'm going to tell you, guys, is twice the amount of the recipe I found. I made one portion of the recipe and apparently it's not enough to share. They want more. LOL

Custard Cream Puff

500 ml water
1 tsp salt
250 g margarine
300 g all purpose plain flour
8 eggs (@50-60g)

4 egg yolks
65 g corn flour
625 ml milk (you can use chocolate to make chocolate custard)
150 g sugar
2 tbs margarine
1 tbs vanilla paste

1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
2. In a saucepan, pour in water, salt and margarine. Bring to boil in a low heat.
3. When it starts boiling, pour in the flour little by little, and mix them well. Turn of the heat, and let it cool.
4. When the mixture is cool enough to not cooking the eggs, crack the egg to the mixture one at at time, and mix it well.
5. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spoon the mixture to a pipping bag with a desired pastry tip, and form shells, or meringue(?) like the picture above.
6. Bake them for 25-30 minutes, or until the puff is golden brown.

While waiting the puff to cool, prepare the custard (I found if I prepare while waiting the mixture to cool down, the custard gets very sticky, and hard to pipe it in to the puff.) This custard needs extra attention!

7. Dissolve the corn flour with a little bit of milk. After it's well mixed, pour the egg yolks and mix. Set it aside.
8. In a saucepan, pour the rest of the milk, sugar, margarine. Bring to boil in a low heat. KEEP STIRRING.
9. After it boils, mix the corn flour mixture for a bit, then pour in to the milk mixture. Stir fast until it boils.
10. Add the vanilla paste to the mixture, mix well. Wait until it cools, spoon to a pipping bag with a desired pastry tip.
11. Poke the side of the puff, and fill it with the custard filling.
You can eat them cool, or in a room temperature.

Enjoy! :9

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