Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Custard Cream Puff Recipe

My first recipe post!!!! *clap clap clap*

I made this twice, and all of the people I gave said they like this recipe. :D
I found this recipe somewhere in Google, but I forgot exactly where. If you find a similar one, please let me know, because I want to credit them. :D (after I did another research, apparently there are a lot of recipe that's similar. LOL)

The recipe I'm going to tell you, guys, is twice the amount of the recipe I found. I made one portion of the recipe and apparently it's not enough to share. They want more. LOL

Custard Cream Puff

500 ml water
1 tsp salt
250 g margarine
300 g all purpose plain flour
8 eggs (@50-60g)

4 egg yolks
65 g corn flour
625 ml milk (you can use chocolate to make chocolate custard)
150 g sugar
2 tbs margarine
1 tbs vanilla paste

1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
2. In a saucepan, pour in water, salt and margarine. Bring to boil in a low heat.
3. When it starts boiling, pour in the flour little by little, and mix them well. Turn of the heat, and let it cool.
4. When the mixture is cool enough to not cooking the eggs, crack the egg to the mixture one at at time, and mix it well.
5. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Spoon the mixture to a pipping bag with a desired pastry tip, and form shells, or meringue(?) like the picture above.
6. Bake them for 25-30 minutes, or until the puff is golden brown.

While waiting the puff to cool, prepare the custard (I found if I prepare while waiting the mixture to cool down, the custard gets very sticky, and hard to pipe it in to the puff.) This custard needs extra attention!

7. Dissolve the corn flour with a little bit of milk. After it's well mixed, pour the egg yolks and mix. Set it aside.
8. In a saucepan, pour the rest of the milk, sugar, margarine. Bring to boil in a low heat. KEEP STIRRING.
9. After it boils, mix the corn flour mixture for a bit, then pour in to the milk mixture. Stir fast until it boils.
10. Add the vanilla paste to the mixture, mix well. Wait until it cools, spoon to a pipping bag with a desired pastry tip.
11. Poke the side of the puff, and fill it with the custard filling.
You can eat them cool, or in a room temperature.

Enjoy! :9

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Vow

It's not a vow of mine I'm going to talk about here. I want to talk about the movie that recently (not very recently but kinda recent) released, called 'The Vow' starring Channing Tatum (<3<3) and Rachel Adams.

Few months ago, I looked through upcoming movie titles for me to write down as a reminder. Actually I missed out this movie. I can't remember exactly why, but at that time I tried to focus more on the 'cool' movies, such as 'Avengers', 'Spiderman', 'Hunger Games'(?) or animated one such as 'Brave' etc. I thought I should have enough of dramas, and started to move on to research for future references.

Few days later, I talked to my brother by phone. We talked about the movies we should watch when I reached Indonesia that time. He mentioned he watched 'The Vow' and that I should watch it. It's pretty good. I don't understand why, but I agreed to watch despite I tried to avoid dramas. Perhaps it was because it's very rare to hear my brother likes romantic movies..? But apparently, there was no more 'The Vow' in Indonesia, whereas it would be showing soon in Singapore.

Thank God I was going back to Singapore shortly after that, so I could catch up with the movie. As soon as I reached Singapore, I 'dragged' my friend to watch the movie with me. After watching it, for me, the movie was not as deep as I thought it would be. I was a little bit disappointed. But I put that in the back of my mind, and instead admitting that the plot of the story was indeed awesome (truth).

The story didn't end here apparently. I strolled down to Kinokuniya Bookstore not long after that, and I found out a book of 'The Vow'. I read few pages of it, and found out that this book is the 'true story' one. The first few pages didn't really interest me as I knew the story from the movie. But my hands automatically reached out for a new copy and put on top of the book I wanted to buy. Only now, I realized I didn't have a valid reason on buying this book. But at the same time, after reading this book, I realized that maybe this might really be another 'kick on the butt' for me who was going through tough times with my spiritual life.

I just freshly finished this book. I learned a lot of things that can equip me for my future. Although at this time I don't understand about love, or even marriage, I believe in my heart that I know now what should I first do.

Like many other 'Based-on-novel movies', the movie is not much close to the book. They have some similarities, and the point of the whole story. But as the book tells a lot about their belief as Christians, for me, they are nearly totally different than the book.

This book is about a very strong faith this couple has through out their turmoils and tribulations. A husband who patiently waited for a wife who was in coma, patiently waited for His time, patiently take care of her wife while she didn't remember him being a husband of hers - or even knowing him. How he keep the vow he said to his wife and God is definitely inspiring for me. They hold on the word of God very dearly. They had never doubted that God can do great things, even when they were in a such terrible trial.

From this book, I learned:

1. Let Jesus be the centre of it all.
No matter what conditions we are in, we are supposed to bring those into prayers. Although, I experienced God's grace from time to time, this book reminds me that God can do anything. He can change from the slightest thing to the biggest thing, just by flipping his hand over, not even in our blink of an eye. Not only in tribulations, but even to a relationship.

2. Have a healthy relationship (in God).
A lot of teenagers are curious on the things adults do. Perhaps they are happy, but there's no joy. There's no God. There's no God's words. Rather than doing those kind of things, isn't it better to just sit down, spending time with one another, talking about one another's childhood, etc. Or even God's word. :) Lately, I feel that I missed those time when my church friends and I were just sitting down and talking about things. Just getting know or catching up with their life's story.

3. Be responsible on what you promised.
This perhaps sounds easy. But this is for me, one of the hardest amongst all. I'm a quite responsible person, but there are times when it's hard to keep promises. However, thinking about those, I remember the times when I felt betrayed, as my friend broke her/his promise, even though it's a slight matter. It's very hurtful. Imagine how God feel when we promised something to God and we don't keep our promises. I did that a lot of times, and now I want to try to keep my promises.

4. Vow only when you are ready and committed one another(?).
I imagine if Kimmer Carpenter (the husband) was not committed at all to his wife. I don't think this would happen. Perhaps, it didn't really matter to Krickitt (the wife) as she didn't remember him. But it would just be another word, fake promises, if he didn't fulfill it. It could bring his reputation down, perhaps. But above all this, I believe it was a test from God, how he would responsible to his vow, to his promises. Thank God that he was committed to his wife, so he hold on to it tightly. And I hope I can do it in the future. :)

5. Rest!
We are not perfect. We can get mood swings. We can get mad. We can make mistakes. And most of all we can get tired. Tiredness can bring all of the above together. I experienced it before, and that was like the worst nightmare, for not resting. Since that point onwards, I keep balance on my day, I'll have some rest. We need rest in order to get a refreshed mind. This was also my church's theme last year - Rest, Refreshed, Be blessed. So, have a lot of rest. Physically and spiritually. :) You will amazed on the ideas you can get after resting. :)

6. Keep believing Jesus!
God has never rested. He is with us here and there, right now or later. Life isn't fair; it's life. Everybody has times when they feel like God's just not there. But he's always there, always bringing you closer to him... (p. 16) That was Krickitt said.

7. All to His glory!
We can't do anything without Him. So, all the things we received, give back to the Lord. Like the song said: Give, and it will come back to you. When you give, give to the Lord. There's also a verse he wrote in the book, Acts 20:35 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.

8. Don't be doomed by something bad happened to you!!
When tragedy strikes you, as it did to us, don't cut yourself off from the world. Instead, reach out to your friends and family, and to God. (p. 178)

I want to close with the very end of the paragraph they wrote on the book, in hope you will get inspired too.

... in life you will encounter some very tough times, but you can find your strength in God. If there is something missing in your life, seek the Lord. If you once had him in your life and now he seems far away, guess who moved? He is still there; just go to him. He loves you with and everlasting love, and through obedience to him all commitments will endure. (p. 180)